Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Welcome to 2009 season at The Warehouse, Ilminster

We have a packed spring-summer season ahead of us with three IES productions scheduled, Accrington Pals, Our Town and Double Death. The first is cast and in rehearsal already but auditions are being held for the other two during January and February so check out the website for dates.
Looking back at 2008, huge congratulations should be given to Dave Goodall and his wonderful team for putting on a successful production of 'Toad of Toad Hall' in December. They had a difficult start with the original director pulling out for personal reasons and Dave gallantly stepping in to his directorial debut. But the show ran for two weeks just before Christmas to very appreciative and entertained audiences.
The incoming shows for the early part of 2009 are a diverse lot with belly dancing, Abba singing, Victorian entertainments and a concert pianist to name but a few. It's always worth checking the 'What's on' pages of the website regularly for news as extra shows are being booked all the time.

Don't forget members nights on the second Thursday of every month. These are an excellent opportunity for existing, new and potential members to meet socially, enjoy a drink (and sometimes some delicious food) and get to know a bit more about the community of people who support the theatre. No acting required!

Hope to see you all soon at the theatre.


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